Why Join Us

Simple fees

No membership fees

No subscription fees

No listing fees, and

No transaction fees.

We aim to keep our fees as simple as possible.

We charge a one-off joining fee of $35.00.

Only pay a commission when you sell. 10% commission on sales.

No minimum contract

We understand that circumstances change from time to time and so we feel it important for us to be flexible which is why we have no minimum contract.



Unlimited listings

List as many of your creations as you like for free.

We drive sales

We run a mixture of social and paid advertising campaigns, we share your products across social media platforms and run features in magazines, blogs and news articles as well as host a highly effective affiliate program.


Easy to use Vendor portal

Customizing your shop front, managing your stock and finance couldn’t be easier with our user-friendly interface and easy to navigate dashboard.
You can also view your traffic and sales statistics at the click of a button.

Get paid quickly

The customer places an order – you receive payment with commission automatically deducted – you send order to the customer – it’s that simple!
No need to set up direct debits or make monthly payments for fees.

Advice & support

We will help you shine, we offer a responsive email support system, FAQ’S, along with useful blogs and tips to selln (will be availble very soon) ensuring you maximize your selling potential.

A creative community

Join the exclusive Seller’s community, a creative hub of like-minded artists and crafters.
Share your stories and gain support, tips, and advice from other talented makers.



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